Determined to Rise- The Roller Coaster of Resilience. Resilience Series - Episode Four

Determined to Rise- The Roller Coaster of Resilience. Resilience Series - Episode Four
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Morning Coffee and Mimosas Podcast

Life is unpredictable.  This week we are joined by a very special friend, Sam Morovati.  Sam is a customer experience leader in big tech, an avid car collector, father, husband, and SURVIVOR. 

This week’s episode tells the story of the accident that almost killed Sam Morovati on October 18, 2020.  That accident is just the beginning of a long journey to recovery and resilience.  Sam shares how the experience of fear, pain, and trauma has impacted his outlook on life for the better.  You’ll hear about defying odds and taking control of your future despite what professional opinion may prescribe as your limits. 

The road to resilience is a roller coaster. Listen to hear how Sam faces this everyday challenge and though it is difficult, stands up, moves forward, and keeps a smile on his face and gratitude in his heart.  Sam’s experience and mentality of “Fall down 7 times, Stand up 8” are important lessons to help us through our own daily struggles, whatever they may be.  

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